This Privacy Policy describes how CodLUCK Technology Joint Stock Company (for short, “CodLUCK”) collect and use your personal information in relation to CodLUCK’s websites, applications, products and services (together, “Our Offerings”).

This Privacy Policy does not apply to any products, services, websites, or content that are offered by third parties or have their own Privacy Policy. 

This Privacy Policy includes the following contents: 

a) How We Use Personal Information:

We may use your personal information to operate, provide, and improve Our Offerings. Our purposes for using personal information include: 

  • Provide Our Offerings: We may use your personal information to provide and deliver Our Offerings and process transactions related to Our Offerings.
  • Measure, Support, and Improve Our Offerings: We may use your personal information to measure use of, analyze performance of, fix errors in, provide support for, improve, and develop Our Offerings.
  • Comply with Legal Obligations: In certain cases, we have a legal obligation to collect, use, or retain your personal information.
  • Communicate with You: We may use your personal information to communicate with you in relation to Our Offerings via different channels (e.g., email, chat) and to respond to your requests. 
  • Marketing: We may use your personal information to market and promote Our Offerings in accordance with the laws.
  • Fraud and Abuse Prevention and Credit Risks: We may use your personal information to prevent and detect fraud and abuse, impersonating customers activities,…
  • Purposes for Which We Seek Your Consent: We may also ask for your consent to use your personal information for a specific purpose that we communicate to you.

b) How Long We Keep Your Personal Data;

There is no time limit except in case the customer sends a cancellation request to the Board of Directors or the Company is dissolved or bankrupt.

c) Persons or organizations that may have access to this information;

You agree that, in case of necessity, the following agencies/ organizations/ individuals have the right to access and collect your personal information, including:

  • Board of directors;
  • Third Parties Having Our Products integrated with Website
  • Event organization and sponsor;
  • At the request of Competent State Authority;
  • Market research company;
  • Financial advisor, legal and audit firm;
  • The complaint party can prove the customer’s violation.

d) The address of the information collection and management unit, including the contact method so that you can inquire about the collection and processing of information related to them personally;

CodLUCK Technology Joint Stock Company

  • Address: 16F, HL Tower Building, 6/82 Duy Tan Street, Dich Vong Hau Ward, Cau Giay District, Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Email:

e) Methods and tools for you to access and edit their personal data on the e-commerce system of the information collecting unit.

If there are any questions regarding this Privacy Policy or the information that we collect about you, or if you feel that your privacy was not treated in accordance with this Privacy Policy, you may contact us:

  • Email:
  • Address: 16F, HL Tower Building, 6/82 Duy Tan Street, Dich Vong Hau Ward, Cau Giay District, Hanoi, Vietnam