Category Archives - Blogs

Why Web3 Is The Internet Of The Future

What do Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 mean? Why Web3 Is The Internet Of The Future?

In the blockchain world, you must have heard about “Web 2.0” and “Web 3.0” frequently. Web 2.0 is simply the web that we know today. Instead of static content, the web became a place for dynamic content, one where users are now able to interact with content published on the web. Web 3.0 is a Semantic Web. This means that rather than just searching for content based on keywords or numbers, we can use AI to understand the semantics (i.e. meaning) of the content on the web.

A Deep Dive Into Blockchain - Every thing You Should Know About Blockchain (1580 x 1080 px) (1980 x 1080 px)

A Deep Dive Into Blockchain

Blockchains are a decentralized system whereas most institutions are centralized. Blockchains are made up of blocks which contain data and are linked together. Hash functions are used to encrypt blocksBlockchains can be used to transfer items between two or more parties. There are many challenges that blockchains face, yet there are new innovative solutions that are making the technology more feasible.

Outsource 3D visualization service

How To Choose Suitable 3D Modeling Service Providers

Before making decision about applying 3D technology to your business or not, it is vital to determine the tactics. Building your own team is costly and time-consuming. At the same time, freelancers require a lot of micro-management and are limited in capacity. Hiring a 3D modeling company could be the easiest and fastest solution. The article will show you signs of reliable providers and how to choose the most suitable 3D modeling service provider


Dear Valued Customers and Partners, As much as we feel excited about this Mid-autumn Festival, CodLUCK would like to take this wonderful opportunity to express our gratitude for all of our valued partners and customers. We would like to thank customers and partners for the continued support and loyalty during the Covid19 pandemic. The Board…

3D AR in eCommerce

Post-Covid eCommerce World Focus On 3D & AR – 5 Ways They Help To Succeed

The shopping trends of COVID-19, namely a shift to online commerce, are likely to persist well after the pandemic is behind us. One way brands can adapt to the evolving eCommerce landscape is by embracing novel technologies such as 3D and augmented reality which have a number of benefits for shoppers and businesses alike. As a result of the shift to online sales, it is important for brands to direct their efforts and spending to create the best eCommerce experience possible with 3D & AR.

Metaverse - the next version of the internet

Metaverse – The Next Version Of The Internet

The term “Metaverse” has become a very hot keyword, especially in the world of technology and games. It is as known as a virtual space created from the Internet and augmented reality tools (such as VR glasses or other devices), to help us connect and interact with each other like a real society. The technologies related to Metaverse, i.e. VR, AR and Blockchain, are the key drivers driving the next generation of internet. Moreover, Metaverse is expected to support many industries in the future. With the outstanding development of the Internet and Smart phones, we are living in a flat world with 2D screens. However, this is not the final destination of the technology. The next destination is Metaverse.

eKYC ngân hàng số

Xu hướng Ngân hàng số – 4 lý do cần triển khai giải pháp eKYC càng sớm càng tốt

Việc triển khai eKYC (electronic Know Your Customer – định danh khách hàng điện tử) giúp cung cấp cho khách hàng trải nghiệm tích hợp liền mạch và giảm bớt phần lớn các thủ tục trên giấy tờ. eKYC giữ vị trí then chốt trong việc chuyển đổi ngân hàng số, là một dịch vụ nền tảng cũng như bước đi tất yếu trong thời đại 4.0 hiện nay. CodLUCK có kinh nghiệm phát triển các ứng dụng áp dụng eKYC cho cả thị trường Việt Nam và thị trường Nhật Bản với dịch vụ hỗ trợ bảo hành 24/7.

Internet Vạn Vật (IoT) Thay Đổi Thế Giới Như Thế Nào?

Internet of Things đang thay đổi thế giới của chúng ta, cho dù là ở nhà, trên xe hơi, nơi làm việc hay thậm chí cả trên đường phố. Theo dự báo của Phòng nghiên cứu statista, khoảng 75 tỷ thiết bị sẽ được kết nối với IoT trên toàn thế giới vào năm 2025. Công nghệ internet IoT là bước quan trọng tiếp theo trong việc biến thế giới thành một nơi kết nối.